Algebra & Functions in 4th Grade

An expression like 3 + n is a statement with numbers and/or variables, and at least one operation.



A variable can represent the unknown value. You can find the value of an expression if you know the value of the variable. For example: 3 + n.


An equation is a sentence like 4 + 5 = 9 that contains an equals sign. The equal sign shows that the expressions on each side of it are equal. Equations sometimes have missing numbers.


4 + x = 9 10 - m = 6 k - 1 = 7



Powerpoint-Growing Patterns and Function Tables:

When you find the value of the missing number that makes the equation true, you solve the equation.


A pattern is a sequence of numbers, figures, or symbols that follow a rule. You can find and extend a pattern.


In a repeating pattern the core of the pattern repeats. For example, if the core of a pattern is 1234, the pattern will repeat 1234 again. 123412341234.


In a growing pattern one or more levels of the pattern grow. For example:


A function table shows you the relationship between a pair of numbers. The relationship is defined by a rule, and this rule applies to all the pairs of numbers in the table.


You can think of the rule as a box or machine: